Malukah frälser spelvärlden med himmelsk ton


Antar att det inte finns så många som har missat senaste youtube-undret Malukah från Mexico, som den 29 november fick för sig att ladda upp en liten musik-hyllning till sitt favoritspel The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Men så liten blev den inte, efter några dagar hade videon över en miljon träffar och ligger i skrivande stund på 2,1 miljoner. Folk har tom börjat mailabomba Bethesda om att lägga in låten permantent i en framtida patch till spelet. Om det kommer implementeras får vi se men man kan ju alltid hoppas! All uppmärksamhet hon kan få förtjänar hon, för detta är verkligen bland det vackraste jag har hört.

Är det någon mer än mig som minns Iphone-spelet Heights som släpptes förra året? Kanske inte världens roligaste spel, men det har ett riktigt bra och tokmysigt soundtrack som ingen mindre än Malukah har gjort. Jag vet också att hon jobbar på något nytt Iphone-projekt som inte verkar vara utannonserat än.

Som den riktigt grävande spel-journalist man är (eller inte hehe), har jag lyckats få tag i Malukah för en liten intervju exklusivt (älskar det ordet) för! :) Intervjun är skriven på engelska.

How old were you when you started to play videogames? And what game was your first?

The first game I ever played was Super Mario Bros. on Nintendo (NES). As a kid, I was never able to finish it on my own. An older cousin had to defeat Bowser for me. Hahaha! :D Another favourite NES game of mine was Duck Tales. To this day, I absolutely love that soundtrack!

Your voice is incredibly beautiful, how long have you been singing? Who was the inspiration that got you started?

Thank you! I started singing when I was about 15 years old, but I would never sing in front of other people because I was too shy. Years later, when I finally had enough courage to sing in front of family and friends, they encouraged me to continue and so I have!

How was your reaction to your first 100 000 hits on youtube?

I could not believe it! Most of the videos I’d made before on an old gaming channel (in Spanish) would get anywhere from 45 – 400 views. In fact, I remember feeling amazed when the Dragonborn video got 303 views and 100 likes in a few hours. I thought that was incredible and never expected it to keep on moving up! To this day, I cannot believe it.

After this huge success with “The Dragonborn Comes”, are you going to record more videogame-related songs in the future? If yes, maybe you can give us a hint from what game?

I would LOVE to continue recording covers. Videogame music is one of my favorite genres. I plan to record more Skyrim bard songs and as soon as possible also record something from Halo and Gears of War.

Can you describe ythe character you play in Skyrim?

I am playing a female Breton Mage, and I love it! Most of the time I get distracted with just exploring in the game. It’s so beautiful!

Now the final question! If you where stuck on an island, all alone and sad, what video game console would you bring to entertain yourself with, and why? (Doesn’t have to be current generation)

Haha! Good question. I would bring an Xbox 360. :) It’s the console that I personally like the most because of the games it has (like Halo and Gears of War), the controllers are comfortable, and the BEST thing about it: the Xbox Live community… although maybe on an island I wouldn’t have an internet connection… haha! But I’d still take an Xbox 360.

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